An intimate service of Morning Prayer using the traditional Book of Common Prayer. All services are subject to social distancing, sanitising and observance of Tier 2 restrictions on interacting with others outside their household or support bubble
Gill invites you to join with her and others to keep in touch during the current dificulties and to enjoy conversation together. Joining details are as for Sunday's Eucharist, but please email her at if you do not have these details.
There will be no 'in church' congregation for this service which will be streamed via Zoom. Lessons will be read remotely on zoom and carols will be sung by a group from the choir, socially distanced throughout the whole church. Joining instructions will be the same as for Sunday Eucharist. If you are not more.
An intimate service of Holy Communion ( one kind) in the quiet of the new day, using the traditional Book of Common Prayer All services are subject to social distancing, sanitising and observance of Tier 2 restrictions on interacting with others outside their household or support bubble.
The service will have an 'in church' congregation and will be streamed to a remote congregation via ZOOM All services in church are subject to social distancing, sanitising and restrictions of Tier 2, preventing interaction with anyone outside your household or support bubble. Communion in church will be of one kind, in line with more.
OUTDOOR CRIB SERVICE Christmas Eve 4pm in front of the SCOUT HALL - see posters around the village Admission strictly by ticket only Tickets must be booked in advance by 11th December. Booking forms available from the shop or Gill Still 782301
In this less-than-normal Christmas, mid-night mass will make place at 9.00pm! BOOKING WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS SERVICE IN CHURCH, as seats in church are limited due to social distancing restrictions The service will have an ‘in church’ congregation and will be streamed to a remote congregation via ZOOM. All services in church more.
In this less-than-normal Christmas, BOOKING WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS SERVICE IN CHURCH, as seats in church are limited due to social distancing restrictions. We also ask you to choose between the Christmas Eve Service at 9.00pm and this one. Please PHONE: 782603 to reserve a space. The service will have an ‘in church’ congregation more.
THIS SERVICE CONTINUES FOR THE MOMENT, subject to social distancing, sanitising and restrictions on interaction with anyone outside your household or support bubble. Arrangements will be kept under constant review An intimate service of Holy Communion ( one kind) in the quiet of the new day, using the traditional Book of Common Prayer
The service will be streamed to a remote congregation via ZOOM. There will be no 'in church' congregation. To join in the zoom service email or
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