Our church aspires to be a caring community of Christian people, offering a range of opportunities for worship and support. In bringing the gospel to the parish, we aim to make the church a living presence in the community and not merely a place of worship. We extend a warm welcome to all and are dedicated to serving the whole community – congregation, parishioners and the wider world.
Fundamental to our church life is the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of every individual, especially children and vulnerable adults. Having adopted the House of Bishop’s policy on safeguarding, we are committed to making a church which is safe for everyone. If you have a concern for yourself or another, please contact our Safeguarding Officer or a member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team or, in the case of a child, Childline.
Many find support and uplift through services of worship. In these, prayer and reflection are key elements, along with good choral music in the main services and a strong sense of individual members being the living presence of Christ. There is ample scope to contribute to these services in many ways or, if preferred, you can just sit, contemplate and experience the inspiration of the service, the music, and the building and its history. Many services are followed by opportunities for meeting other members of the congregation.
The church is also open daily in daylight hours for individual prayer and reflection.
Others may find their needs met by fellowship, social interaction and informal discussion. There are monthly lunches, occasional tea dances, and other events, all designed specifically to bring together those who live alone, those whose needs increase with age, and those who may feel isolated.
We extend a practical welcome to those moving into the parish by visiting them and offering a ‘Welcome Pack’ of information about the parish, its activities and useful contacts.
However friendly and strong a community may be, situations can arise unexpectedly which are hard to bear and may lead to a feeling of isolation. Getting together with people who are experiencing similar challenges can provide much needed support.
We have an informal network of pastoral support, comprising members of the church and the clergy. Should you wish to contact someone, you can be assured of an understanding, listening ear.
We support a number of organisations in the wider world, including Totnes Caring, The Children’s Society, Water Aid and Compassion, an organisation that seeks to lift children out of poverty into a better life.
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