The choir sing “Just as I am” by J.H.Maunder (recorded by John Cox, April 2018)
The church has a strong and enthusiastic SATB choir comprising some twenty members, all of whom live in the parish. The choir participates at all the sung services of the church with the majority regularly singing at the principal Sunday morning and at festival services. In months where there is a fifth Sunday, the choir sings a full Choral Evensong with Introit and Anthem, the appointed psalm and choral settings of the Nunc Dimittis and Magnificat by Stanford, Walmisley, Wood and others. The choir also sings at Christmas in St Michael’s, a private chapel in Waddeton, and at weddings and funerals throughout the year, as requested.
In past years the choir has performed a substantial choral work, specifically organised as a community event. For this the choir is augmented, with local singers and friends who appreciate the opportunity to take part and to sing more challenging repertoire. Recent years have seen liturgical performances of Requiems by Faure and Rutter, Schubert’s Mass in G Major, and a performance of Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man, which was undertaken as part of the parish’s commemoration of the centenary of the end of the first world war.
The choir meets for practice sessions every Friday at 7.00 pm under the leadership of Matt Davies the church organist. Members of the choir participate in RSCM events, combined services of the Totnes Mission Community and in Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Church, Totnes.
The choir is about much more than leading the singing in church. It has a strong social and community commitment, regularly competing (and winning) in the village carnival and meeting at a nearby restaurant for dinner once a year with partners. It is open and welcoming of new SATB talent who enjoy church music, choral singing and have a passion for fun and social interaction.
The choir, with our former organist, Wyn Turner, sing “Song of Mary” by Richard Sheppard (recorded by John Cox, April 2018)
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