Church of St Mary and St Gabriel in the Totnes Mission Community

Church House Inn

Unlike many parish churches across the country, the parish church of Stoke Gabriel continues to own the licensed premises at the opposite end of Church Walk to the church itself. It was formerly the Church House, a meeting venue for the parish in regard to both ecclesiastical and secular matters. Up until the first half of the 17th century, it was used at festival occasions, especially at Whitsun, to sell ale that had been brewed by the churchwardens, a fund-raising exercise which was both popular and successful but which eventually died out with the rise of Puritanism. Today, the premises are leased by the church to the tenant on a commercial basis.

Following morning services many of the congregation assemble in the Church House Inn for coffee or something stronger and a social chat. Having a drink or two in the Church House Inn thus benefits both the tenant and the church!

Opening times can be found on the Church House Inn’s Facebook page, access to which is available by clicking on the link.
