Holy Communion (BCP)
An intimate service at the start of Sunday; a warm welcome awaits you
An intimate service at the start of Sunday; a warm welcome awaits you
Our main Sunday service with choir and organ. Why not stay for coffee and a chat after the service. You are assured of a warm welcome.
The team will welcome new ringers, with or without experience. If you are interested in "learning the ropes", the first stage is to visit a practice to see some ringing,...read more.
The choir meets to prepare music for Sunday worship and other commitments. We are a friendly SATB group of about 20 singers who welcome new singers. If you are interested...read more.
An activity-based experience for children in which they make Christingles, followed by a short service and tea. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
An intimate service at the start of Sunday; a warm welcome awaits you
Our main Sunday service with choir and organ. Why not stay for coffee and a chat after the service. You are assured of a warm welcome.
The team will welcome new ringers, with or without experience. If you are interested in "learning the ropes", the first stage is to visit a practice to see some ringing,...read more.
A festive start to the season, followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the Old School Room.
An intimate service at the start of Sunday; a warm welcome awaits you
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